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I'm a 35-year-old girl.
I'm a boy.
I'm a 20-year-old girl.
I'm a 10-year-old boy.
I'm a 14-year-old boy.
I'm a 5-year-old boy.
I'm a 8-year-old girl.
I'm a 12-year-old girl.
I'm a 26-year-old girl.
I'm a 21-year-old girl.
I'm a 35-year-old boy.
I'm a 23-year-old girl.
I'm a 7-year-old girl.
I'm a 10-year-old girl.
I'm a 4-month-old girl.
I'm a 6-year-old boy.
I'm a 8-year-old.
I'm a 68-year-old boy.
I'm a 12-year-old boy.
I'm a 6-year-old girl.
I'm a 9-year-old boy.
We can't wait to tell Kay Leigh the Capuchin that you've decided to sponsor her!
We can't wait to tell Scooter the Pig that you've decided to sponsor him!
We can't wait to tell Cornelius the Corn Snake that you've decided to sponsor him!
We can't wait to tell Amy the White-Tailed Deer that you've decided to sponsor her!
We can't wait to tell Andy the Goat that you've decided to sponsor him!
We can't wait to tell Chuck the Cavy that you've decided to sponsor him!
We can't wait to tell Dominick the Donkey that you've decided to sponsor him!
We can't wait to tell Thor the Husky that you've decided to sponsor him!
We can't wait to tell Mama Sheep & Babies Tic and Toc that you've decided to sponsor them!
We can't wait to tell Abigail that you've decided to sponsor her!
We can't wait to tell Ozzy the Pig-Tail Macaque that you've decided to sponsor him!
We can't wait to tell Zeka that you've decided to sponsor her!
We can't wait to tell Jezebel the Donkey that you've decided to sponsor her!
We can't wait to tell Tess the Snow Macaque that you've decided to sponsor her!
We can't wait to tell Buster the Capuchin Monkey that you've decided to sponsor him!
We can't wait to tell Bonnie the Black Bear that you've decided to sponsor her!
We can't wait to tell Abby that you've decided to sponsor her!
We can't wait to tell Savannah the Lioness that you've decided to sponsor her!
We can't wait to tell Boomer the Grey-Armed Macaque that you've decided to sponsor him!
We can't wait to tell Hershey that you've decided to sponsor her!
We can't wait to tell Sweetheart, Garnet, & Pearl that you've decided to sponsor them!
We can't wait to tell Jonathan the Tiger that you've decided to sponsor him!
We can't wait to tell Sadie the Highland Cattle that you've decided to sponsor her!
We can't wait to tell Curly the Llama that you've decided to sponsor her!
We can't wait to tell Kit the Silver Fox that you've decided to sponsor him!
We can't wait to tell Cassie & Casanova that you've decided to sponsor them!
We can't wait to tell Maximus the Tortoise that you've decided to sponsor him!
We can't wait to tell Kanu that you've decided to sponsor him!
We can't wait to tell All Our Iguanas that you've decided to sponsor him!
We can't wait to tell Seven the Belgian that you've decided to sponsor her!
We can't wait to tell Bonnie the Macaw that you've decided to sponsor her!
We can't wait to tell Mickey the African Grey that you've decided to sponsor her!
We can't wait to tell Toby the Patas Monkey that you've decided to sponsor him!
We can't wait to tell Callie the Goat that you've decided to sponsor her!
We can't wait to tell Shilo the Cougar that you've decided to sponsor him!
We can't wait to tell South the Sheep that you've decided to sponsor him!