About Me
My name is Hershey. I'm a 7-month-old girl.

My birthday is
August 2, 2024.
Wildlife Club

Wildlife Club

Animal Type

Farm Animals

My Story

Hershey the Pig


Hershey was recently found lost and wandering in a stranger’s backyard in New Egypt, NJ. The homeowners were surprised to find the petite pig exploring their property and quickly secured their gate to keep her safe. They called Animal Control for assistance, and ACO Maria Cymanski responded to the scene.

Catching Hershey wasn’t an easy task. “She was very sweet,” Maria shared, “but she didn’t want to make things simple. You couldn’t just stand in front of her; you had to sit down to gain her trust.”

Despite being food-motivated, Hershey outwitted every attempt to coax her into a carrier. It took a coordinated effort from Maria and several others to gently round her up using a net and secure her safely.

Despite efforts to find her owner, no one came forward. Hershey has since found her forever home at Popcorn Park, where she’s thriving. Her name, inspired by her rich chocolate-brown coat, perfectly matches her sweet personality.

At Popcorn Park, sweet Hershey will receive lifelong sanctuary, enjoying a life filled with safety, care, and plenty of treats! 

We hope you will consider sponsoring her today!


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