Peggy the Potbellied Pig

About Me
My name is Peggy the Potbellied Pig. I'm a 18-year-old girl.

My birthday is
February 6, 2007.
Wildlife Club

Wildlife Club

Animal Type

Farm Animals

My Story

Peggy the Potbellied Pig


Peggy, a potbellied pig was discovered in Sept. 2011 by a Maryland resident where she had been dumped in a fenced-in area of a park. With much coaxing the woman was able to trap her and brought her to a small “sanctuary” where she believed Peggy would be well-cared for.


 Four days later, Peggy gave birth to four piglets. As it turned out, the “sanctuary" took care of Peggy’s most basic needs, but not much else. Two months later, Peggy disappeared and an employee found Peggy hiding in a distant shed, suffering an injury. Despite volunteer requests to take Peggy to a vet, no additional care was provided other than putting her into a small pen.




Finally a volunteer convinced the owner to let her take Peggy to a vet at her own expense where X-rays revealed her femur was broken in 3 places, possibly from a mule kick, and required extensive surgery. The owner refused. With the assistance of the Pig Placement Network, the volunteer managed to get Peggy relinquished into her hands so she could bring her for the needed surgery. Dr. Jonathan Bergmann of AHS/Popcorn Park along with Dr. Kevin Simmons, an orthopedic surgeon, performed the lengthy operation at Popcorn Park, followed by 5 weeks of rest and intensive follow-up care. This was followed by additional weeks of rehab.

Peggy enjoys a nice, big area with her best friend a goat name Callie and plenty of grass where she can munch away happily to her heart's content. Peggy would love some devoted sponsors. Please consider sponsoring Peggy today!!