Maggie & Moe the Marmosets

About Me
My name is Maggie & Moe the Marmosets. I'm a 6-year-old.

My birthday is
April 14, 2018.
Wildlife Club

Wildlife Club

Animal Type

Exotic Animals

My Story

Maggie & Moe the Marmosets


Meet Maggie and Moe! Maggie and Mo are our resident marmoset monkeys. The pair are siblings who were born into captivity and hand-raised. Born in April of 2018, They spent their whole lives together but were, unfortunately, illegally owned as pets.

Thankfully, when their owners realized how much care is required to maintain this type of monkey, they reached out to local animal groups to search for a new home for Maggie and Moe. We were asked if we could offer them a permanent place to live and welcomed Maggie and Moe to Popcorn Park in April of 2020.

Many people underestimate the amount of care that marmosets need to stay healthy. Maggie and Moe eat a special marmoset diet, supplemented with insects and some fruits. Their absolute favorite treat is meal worms and grapes. They look forward to these yummy goodies every week!

Though they are itty bitty (only about the size of your hand) they have BIG personalities! Maggie is full of sass and never fails to make her opinion known. Moe is playful to the max and is constantly seeking out attention. Together, they are the friendliest, most fun-loving, lively pair. They spend their days swinging from their ropes, climbing stalks of bamboo, scaling the walls of their enclosure, and jumping to and fro. They never fail to make us laugh and smile.

You just can’t help but love these little marmosets! We just know you will love them too! Would you consider sponsoring to contribute to their care?


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