Name our Newest Rescue Pup!

She was rescued from horrific conditions after her family moved away, leaving her locked in a crate alone for weeks. Now she needs a new name as she begins her healing journey.

$5 Donation

All donations go directly towards her medical expenses and daily care!

Pick a Name

Submit the name you like best! The more clever the better! 

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Our newest rescued pup needs your help to find a new name and new beginnings

This poor girl just arrived at our Newark shelter, brought in by our animal control officers (ACO's). When her family moved out of their rented apartment, they took all their other pets with them but unfortunately left her behind. It wasn't until weeks later, when cleaning crews arrived to ready the apartment for new tenants, that she was discovered. Heartbroken and neglected, she was found locked in a small crate in a corner of the filthy kitchen.

Our sweet, tiny girl was found covered in feces, urine, and matted fur with no food or water available. Weighing only 7lbs, she was extremely emaciated after weeks with no nutrition.

Unfortunately, our staff also discovered she is missing one of her back feet, though it's unclear how or when that injury happened.

Our staff quickly jumped into action, providing the care and comfort she desparately craved. Since her arrival she has gotten a much needed grooming, washing away years of neglect and cutting away the painful mats. She is looking and feeling so much better already!

Our staff are carefully monitoring her medical needs and have started her on a re-feeding program to help her safely gain weight.

We have promised this little lady that she will never again find herself in such a situation. You can help start her on her journey to recovery by donating below. Help us pick a new name and provide her the care she needs to heal!

The person who suggests best name will win an AHS limited edition t-shirt! 


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